National Ramsar Strategy for Uzbekistan

Development of wetlands specific strategic documents for Ramsar sites in Uzbekistan: National Ramsar strategy for Uzbekistan and a management plan and visitor concept for Sudochye Ramsar site

Wetlands are among the most valuable ecosystems in drylands, providing vital ecological, cultural, and economic benefits. They play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem health and community well-being by supporting biodiversity, contributing to livelihoods, and enhancing safety and sustainability for both the environment and local people.

The Sudochye Lake System – A unique wetland in the Aral Sea region

Being previously part of the Aral Sea, Sudochye Lake System is now a separated large shallow wetland that receives its water inflow mainly from Amudarya River and some irrigation canals. It’s rich but very specialized biodiversity features dense reedbeds, shrubs, salt marshes and saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendron, H. persicum) plantations, as well as some nationally threatened animal species, such as the Caracal (Caracal caracal, IUCN LC), Goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa, IUCN VU) and Bulatmai barbel (Luciobarbus capito, IUCN VU). Besides that, Sudochye Lake System serves as a stopover and breeding area for birds on their migration route along the Central Asian flyway. Furthermore, approximately 27% of the ornithological fauna of Uzbekistan has been monitored here.

Climate risk analysis for the preservation of the ecosystem

The need to adapt to climate change has not been systematically reflected in the management of Uzbekistan’s protected areas. Due to this, a climate risk analysis of Sudochye Lake System has been elaborated to analyse potential negative impact of climate change at the wetlands. Water condition and flora / fauna as well as human impact towards the ecological condition of the Ramsar site have been pf particular interest of the assessment. Its results shall be incorporated into the management plan of the site in order to safeguarding the fragile ecosystem in the Aral Sea region, combating desertification, promoting efficient and sustainable water resource management, and conserving and restoring biodiversity. 

The Uzbek Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change therefore requested to 

  1. Devleop a strategy for Uzbekistan’s five Ramsar sites, as neither a strategy for wetlands nor for Ramsar sites exist to date.
  2. Elaborate an exemplary management plan for Sudochye Lake System that incorporates information and needs of an up-to-date Ramsar strategy to manage wetlands efficiently and sustainable, and to
  3. Elaborate a visitor concept for Sudochye Lake System in order to develop the region in sustainable and careful manner by gaining alternative income from tourism into the region, which is rather poor of income sources.

Within the framework of the International Climate Initiative (IKI), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) commissioned Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with the implementation of the project “Policy Dialogue and Knowledge Management on Climate Protection Strategies” (DIAPOL-CE), running from 03/2014 until 06/2025.

Banks of the Aydarkul and Tudarkul Ramsar sites © J. Wunderlich / Michael Succow Foundation

Development of wetlands specific strategic documents for Ramsar sites in Uzbekistan: National Ramsar strategy for Uzbekistan and a management plan and visitor concept for Sudochye Ramsar site

Location: Uzbekistan

Duration: January 2025 - June 2025

Jens Wunderlich Photo: P. Schröder
Contact person

Jens Wunderlich
Expertise: World Heritage, Biosphere Reserves, cartography


Tel +493834 83542 24