
Excursion in the Nile catchment (Photo: Jan Peters)

In the Nile catchment - peatlands?

A conference of the Nile Basin Initiative showed what role tropical peatlands play in the catchment area of the Nile and what massive carbon sinks…

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Documentary film about Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change in Ukraine

The documentary movie was produced within the project “Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change and Regional Development by empowering Ukrainian…

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Successful project completion: Ecosystem-based adaptation to Climate Change and regional development by empowerment of Ukrainian biosphere reserves

At the beginning of December, the final meeting of the project “Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to climate change and regional development by…

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Climate adaptation through humus management in black soils of Ukraine

What influence does the type of agricultural management have on the humus content of the fertile black soils (chernozems) of Ukraine? How might humus…

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Nature Conservation in Uzbekistan - Succow Foundation consolidates cooperation

Successes in nature conservation cooperation with Uzbekistan motivate for new objectives: Meeting of the Succow Foundation, Greifswald University and…

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Project film of the Central Asian Desert Initiative (CADI)

Conservation and sustainable use of cold winter deserts

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Helping to protect the desert with wool and silk

The signing of a joint cooperation agreement between the Uzbek Committee for the Development of Wool and Silk Production and the Michael Succow…

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Peatland illustration by Sarah Heuzeroth

For all on #WorldSoilDay: beautiful peatland illustrations!

Peatlands 3x - complex but comprehensible and fascinating

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Succow Foundation at International Conference on Cold Winter Deserts of Central Asia in Tashkent

On December 2-3, 2021, Tashkent will host the first International Conference on Cold Winter Deserts within the framework of the CADI (Central Asia…

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Final workshop on setting up a digital herbarium brings the continuation of the cooperation to blossom

The digital herbarium has been set up and houses the first records in the system with more than 1,200 herbarium records. However, with 1.5 million…

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