
Supporting Ukraine in the implementation of the Paris Agreement and Adaptation to the impact of climate change in the Black Sea region (PAABS)

Despite Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, which violates international law, and the associated challenges, the Michael Succow Foundation continues its work in Ukraine. Our new project supports the country in implementing the Paris Agreement and promotes ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) measures to address climate change.

The project will focus on:

  • Strengthening Climate Governance – Supporting the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources (MEPR) in enhancing its capacity to lead climate action and integrate adaptation measures into national policies.
  • Developing Adaptation Tools and Policies – Creation of socially and conflict-sensitive, gender-responsive adaptation tools, methodologies, and guidelines that address the needs of vulnerable communities.
  • Implementing Scalable Adaptation Practices – Piloting adaptation measures to strengthen community resilience against climate change,  and developing scalable practices for replication across Ukraine and the broader Black Sea region, including Georgia, Moldova and Turkey.
  • Fostering Regional Climate Action – Engaging key stakeholders within the government and beyond to mobilize collective action for climate change adaptation.


In 2021, Ukraine approved the "Environmental Safety and Climate Adaptation Strategy by 2030," outlining key adaptation priorities to fulfill its international obligations under the Paris Agreement. According to the strategy, Ukraine's most vulnerable sectors include 

biodiversity, forestry, energy, water resources, coastal areas, fisheries, soils, and agriculture.

However, adaptation efforts, particularly ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), remain limited. There is little knowledge of systematic approaches for designing and implementing adaptation measures, especially at the local level. Furthermore, adaptation is not well integrated into local development planning and is often deprioritized by local authorities and businesses.

Our project demonstrates a systematic approach to designing and implementing EbA practices in one of the key adaptation areas identified in the strategy. It directly supports the strategy's operationalization, ensuring that adaptation measures become more accessible and actionable.

Additionally, the project seeks to test and scale successful EbA strategies in neighboring Black Sea countries, particularly in Georgia, Moldova, and Turkey.

The Michael Succow Foundation focuses on achieving the following key objectives within the framework of the large-scale IKI project:

  • Making EbA practices available for implementation across Ukraine.
  • Strengthening governance capacities for climate change adaptation and EbA.
  • Raising awareness and promoting EbA practices among target groups in the Black Sea region.

Through these efforts, the project contributes to long-term environmental sustainability and resilience in Ukraine and beyond.

Rewetting and Restoration of Zalyvky Bog – Pictures by Yevgen Tkach

Location: Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Turkey

Duration: 03/2025 - 09/2029

Nika Malazonia Photo: Ph. Schroeder
Project coordinator

Nika Malazonia
Expertise: Protected area management, biosphere reserves, World heritage


Tel +49 3834 83542 35

This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action under the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Implementing organisation : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Political partner : Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources – Ukraine

Implementing partner:

  • Center for Environmental Initiatives Ecoaction – Ukraine
  • DiXi Group
  • Ecoclub Rivne
  • Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH
  • Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IEF)
  • Michael Succow Foundation