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The interdisciplinary workshop “Sensing Peat! The transformational commitment of the Venice Agreement brings together science, art and practice to…
At its 45th session in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), the World Heritage Committee inscribed two World Natural Heritage Sites whose nomination was supported…
A new project to strengthen transboundary protected area management and sustainable land use between Central Asian countries started on Monday with an…
The Moor Atlas has attracted great interest in Germany and - though in German - even beyond - that is why it is now also published in English.
The Rangers of the Desniansko-Starohutskyi National Nature Park, our partner National Nature Park & Biosphere Reserve, were awarded for exceptional…
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IUCN has recommended the World Heritage Site „Cold Winter Deserts of Turan“, nominated jointly by Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, for…
Together with partners, the Nature Conservation Foundation supports the World Heritage nomination of Gobi Desert
From 26-30 June, workshops on transboundary conservation cooperation in the „Transboundary Conservation Hotspots for the Central Asian Mammals…
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – In a remarkable adventure aiming at preserving the biodiversity and natural heritage of the Gobi Desert, an ambitious…