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Save the Date: At 18th September we'll present the Peatland Atlas in an English and more international version at Brussels.
With the submission of the final report to the IKI, the CADI project was now formally completed at the end of May.
On June 13th 2023, the working group meeting for the World Heritage Nomination of the Eastern Mongolian Steppes took place at the Ministry of…
Succow Foundation works with partners on a World Heritage nomination for the Desert Landscapes of the Mongolian Southern Gobi
In May, a three-day knowledge exchange on strengthening transboundary nature conservation cooperation in the tri-border region in Ustyurt between…
Seven concise Q&As for understanding the importance of peatlands for the EU Nature Restoration Lawand the Soil Health - the GMC and partner assembled…
In the European Union, about 25 % of peatlands are damaged. Representatives from six european countries met in Ireland in mid-May to discuss how…
Shown in our new film: 50 people from 10 EU countries experience on a 5-day tour, that paludiculture is feasible and how.
A digital tour through the photo exhibition shows visitors the pristine nature and culture of the region and makes the World Natural Heritage of the…
The Succow Foundation has supported a German translation of the poster series „Climate knowledge for all“ developed by the United Nations.