Equipment for education and field work for the Desnianko-Starogutsky National Nature Park

Despite the war, specialists of the Desnianko-Starogutsky National Nature Park (Ukraine) continue to work and continue to educate local children on the ecological topics in Yampil community in Sumy oblast. We express our respect and admiration for their courage to work under the conditions of war.

In July 2024, Succow Foundation have provided equipment for education and field work. The Equipment was bought for the money collected during fundraising campaign of 2022 and 2023. 

The donations allowed us to provide education department of the Desnianko-Starogutsky National Nature Park and thus children with the good quality environmental educational equipment and a better experience of study of nature. Raising new generation of nature lovers despite all the odds! 

Equipment already have been used on various occasions. On July 30th, Environmental education specialist, Oleksandra Novik has joined a street event in the central park of Yampil organised by the Public Library with a lesson on the insects of Ukraine. Children learnt diversity of the insects, importance of the bees, lifecycle of butterflies and much more. Children were asked to catch an insect to study its structure and way of movement using study jars provided by Michael Succow Foundation. 

On July 31st, 2024, Oleksandra Novik has organized a bicycle tour for the children of the community. The idea behind the bike tour to introduce children to the work of rangers and to celebrate World Ranger Day. During the trip, the children tried to assess the state of nature under the influence of human anthropogenic activity, recorded phenological observations, studied the flora and fauna of the Zaton water reservoir, and used aquascope, provided by Michael Succow Foundation to learn about bottom of the water reservoir.