Uzbekistan's Ramsar strategy picks up speed

Kick-off, stakeholder workshop and initial field work mark the start of the project

The launch of the new project to develop the national Ramsar wetland strategy for Uzbekistan marks the start of implementation. The Michael Succow Foundation is a partner in the project. Initial field visits, interviews with stakeholders and a workshop in Tashkent form the basis for analysing the internationally important wetlands.

Right at the start of the project, the Michael Succow Foundation team undertook an initial field visit to explore the banks of the Aydarkul and Tudakul Ramsar sites together with local stakeholders. The aim was to obtain a detailed picture of the current state and utilisation of these valuable ecosystems through interviews with as many stakeholders as possible. A second visit is planned for March.

This first project phase concluded with a stakeholder workshop in Tashkent, where decision-makers and experts discussed the next steps in strategy development.

With this start, the Michael Succow Foundation and its partners are making an important contribution to the protection and sustainable use of Uzbekistan's wetlands.